Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'm in Orlando this week, but will be preaching next Sunday

Just a note to let you know that Mindy and I will be in Orlando this week, but I will be preaching from Acts 13 next Sunday morning. (Please come anyway!) Approximately two years ago, I asked the Session if I could accept an invitation to participate in the Pastor's Summit, a collaborative effort between Covenant, Reformed and Westminster seminaries. Our elders believed that meeting with 9 other pastors 3 times a year for two years would encourage me and further equip me for ministry here in Plano. It has. It's been one of the best experiences I've ever had. This week is our second to last meeting. Our last meeting will be in Jackson Hole, WY in July. As one of the pastor's said at the October 07 meeting, "I'm already angry about this thing ending. I don't know what I'm going to do without it." I agree. I'm already dreading the loss of this major support network in my own life. But nevertheless everything in life has a season to it. And Mindy and I are really going to enjoy this upcoming week. We'll see you all on Sunday.

P.S. - if anyone is thinking about coming over and robbing our house while we're gone, just remember three things. One, there's nothing worth taking except maybe our 19 inch television, which is worth more than $50! Two, our 3 kids with be with their grandparents all week, so you can't kidnap the most beautiful kids on the earth while we're gone. And three, there will be four bloodthirsty, ferocious dogs lying in wait all week long without any meat except the occasional robber! ;-)

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